The trilogy, Robin’s Nest, consists of, Egg, The Nest and The Leap. Each book focuses upon an element of a child’s experience whilst growing up: Book 1, Egg, considers self-identity and a sense of belonging. Book 2, The Nest, contemplates issues of stranger danger and appropriate behaviour. Book 3, The Leap examines issues of transition in a child’s life. However, further to the above issues, the books are designed to offer an insight into some aspects of pedagogy, namely the method and practice of teaching children. This book focuses upon the areas of personal, social and emotional development within the EYFS. This book refers to Robin and her brothers and sister. They have been nurtured and fed by their Mother and Father in the safety of their home, the nest. They have grown strong, their wings have grown feathers and their muscles were getting stronger. Mother explained that it was now time for them to leave the nest, as she and their Father had another clutch of eggs to rear and it was time for them to take the leap.